How Can We Get Comfortable Outside Our Comfort Zone?

How Can We Get Comfortable Outside Our Comfort Zone?

Comfortably Uncomfortable
Everyone knows you're supposed to step out of your comfort zone, but it's just so difficult to do so! One of the ways to make it easier on yourself is to get more comfortable outside of your comfort zone. This way, it's not as difficult to step out, but this can be easier said than done.Below are a few tips that can help you get more comfortable outside of your comfort zone. Write a List of Your Fears Just what is it that makes you so uncomfortable? Make a list. This way, you can easily see the things that are causing you discomfort. Be sure that you write this list down. Writing your fears can make them seem less scary and feel more approachable, and this is an important step…
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How Can I Feel More Comfortable With Change?

How Can I Feel More Comfortable With Change?

Comfortably Uncomfortable
Change can be difficult to deal with, mainly because it is uncomfortable. However, change is an essential part of life. If you can't deal with change, you will never move forward or grow as a person. Below are some ways to help yourself be more comfortable with any changes that are coming your way. Recognize When Change is Coming Sometimes, change is so uncomfortable because you weren't expecting it. This is why you should do your best to recognize when change is coming and tell yourself in advance. For example, maybe your boss just put in her two weeks' notice. This means that there will be a new boss in two weeks, who will probably want to change a few things around the office. Let yourself know this and go…
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5 Uncomfortable Things Successful People Do Anyways

5 Uncomfortable Things Successful People Do Anyways

Comfortably Uncomfortable
Being uncomfortable is never any fun, but if you want to be successful in life, you will likely have to be uncomfortable for at least a small period in your life.You will face several uncomfortable things on the road to success, and if you want to be successful, you will need to do them anyway. Network Meeting new people is never fun. It is often uncomfortable because you have to start over explaining who you are and why you do what you do. However, networking is a critical part of success. This doesn't just mean at events. If you truly want to be successful, you need to be networking everywhere you go! Whether at the grocery store, or a walk in the park, strike up a conversation with someone new.…
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5 Tips to Handle Awkward Conversations

5 Tips to Handle Awkward Conversations

Comfortably Uncomfortable
Sometimes in life, you have to have some awkward conversations—it's inevitable. However, there are ways to make awkward conversations less awkward. You have to know how to handle them. Keep reading to learn a few easy tips for handling the awkward conversations that you have to have in your life. Don’t Let the Conversation Pause Although the conversation is already awkward, it will be more awkward if there are lots of long pauses. Try to keep the conversation going even if it is tough. If you don't know what to say right away and need a moment to think, then say that. It will keep the conversation going and give you a moment to think without awkwardness. Add in a Joke Depending on the tone of the awkward conversation, it…
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