5 Uncomfortable Things Successful People Do Anyways

Being uncomfortable is never any fun, but if you want to be successful in life, you will likely have to be uncomfortable for at least a small period in your life.
You will face several uncomfortable things on the road to success, and if you want to be successful, you will need to do them anyway.


Meeting new people is never fun. It is often uncomfortable because you have to start over explaining who you are and why you do what you do. However, networking is a critical part of success. This doesn’t just mean at events. If you truly want to be successful, you need to be networking everywhere you go! Whether at the grocery store, or a walk in the park, strike up a conversation with someone new.

Create Good Habits

Everyone in this world has some bad habits, and if you want to be successful, you will need to break those habits sooner rather than later. You will need to replace these bad habits with good ones. This won’t be comfortable (especially because it will probably involve getting up early!) But it truly is the key to being successful.

Take Risks

Successful people never get where they are in life by taking the safe road. Rather, they take the road less traveled. While this certainly isn’t a comfortable road, it truly is the way they got to where they are today.

Spend Money

Yes, successful people spend money. Not on alcohol or nights out, but on their business and bettering themselves. Successful people know that they are the most important thing in their life and that they should do everything they can to invest in themselves, even if it costs a little extra. This could mean spending extra money on a gym membership and healthy food rather than ice cream or a new TV.

Don’t Waste Time

How many times have you thought about doing something, then never got around to doing it? Being able to follow through on what you started sets you apart from successful people. Successful people don’t wait around or make excuses. They go for what they want and do it right away—because they know there is no time like the present and absolutely no time to waste!
Being successful is amazing, but you might have to be a little uncomfortable to get there. If you can do the above five things, you will find that you are soon on the road to success as well—and once you are there—all the discomfort will be worth it.